The TA A-Z of Timeshare Jargon

The TA A-Z of Timeshare Jargon

There are lots of terms you may come across in timeshare that you might not necessarily be familiar with. We like to make things nice and simple for you, so here you go! The A-Z of timeshare in one easy blog post! Accrued Time: A term used by timeshare exchange...
Top Tips for Timeshare Exchange

Top Tips for Timeshare Exchange

Timeshares are a brilliant way of having great, affordable holidays, but after a while it can get a bit repetitive visiting the same place every year. One way of mixing things up a bit is to exchange your timeshare for another one. That way, you get to try something...
How to Make the Most of Your Spanish Timeshare This Summer

How to Make the Most of Your Spanish Timeshare This Summer

Summer is here and your Spanish timeshare awaits your arrival. Hallelujah! Two weeks in sunny Spain; isn’t that what the timeshare is all about? Summer holidays are all too precious for us rain-soaked Brits, so before you head to Spain, it’s worth making a plan in...
Blessing or Burden?

Blessing or Burden?

What else could you buy for the cost of your Timeshare? Rising timeshare maintenance fees are seeing UK timeshare owners spending an average of £500 a year before they’ve even booked flights to their destination.  Over the years, these fees begin to add up...
20 Jailed in Spanish Accommodation Scams

20 Jailed in Spanish Accommodation Scams

Twenty Spanish and Romanian people have been imprisoned in Spain for their involvement in mis-selling fraudulent Spanish accommodation scams. The Spanish accommodation scams managed to extract £650,000 from British holidaymakers, who subsequently raised complaints...