Your right to complain
These are the internal complaints handling procedures of European Consumer Claims LLC (referred to below as “ECC”). ECC strives to offer the best service possible. However, every so often a consumer can feel unhappy. Perhaps you had to wait for ages, only to find out that there is very little we can do for you. Perhaps you felt that you were not treated with respect or courtesy. Perhaps our advice didn’t help or was wrong. Unfortunately, these things happen. We know we are not perfect. But we aim to be. That is why we have a complaints procedure. Sometimes we can put things right; sometimes we can only explain ourselves and apologise. We strive to learn from our mistakes, what you tell us helps to improve our service to you and others. We will treat your complaint confidentially, seriously and quickly.
What can I do?
It is important to let ECC know that you are unhappy and to give us the chance to put things right. Don’t be afraid to ask to speak to a manager – she or he might be able to sort out the problem straight away. Otherwise, move to a more formal process.
Making a formal complaint
There are several ways to make a complaint.
1. Tell us in person if you are at our offices
2. Email:
3. Phone ECC Customer Services: 01491 743 059
All written complaints should be addressed to “the Complaints Manager”.
Acknowledging your complaint
We will send you a written or electronic acknowledgement of a complaint within five business days of receipt, giving the name or job title of the individual handling the complaint, together with a copy of these internal complaints handling procedures.
Investigating your complaint
Your complaint will be investigated by the Complaints Manager. If this person was involved in the matter which is the subject of the complaint, then we will substitute another person of at least the same competence (if possible to do so). The Complaints Manager will have the authority to settle complaints (including the offering of redress where appropriate) or ready access to someone with the necessary authority.
Responding to your complaint
Our final response to your complaint will address the subject matter of your complaint. If your complaint is upheld, you will be given a full apology and, where appropriate, be given details of any action that ECC is taking to put things right. ECC will aim to send you a final response to your complaint within eight weeks of receipt. However, if we are not able to provide a full response within eight weeks, e.g. because the issue is complicated, the reasons for the delay will be explained and we will indicate when we expect to be able to provide the final response.