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Suffer in silence no longer

2016 has seen many timeshare owners finally rid themselves of illegal timeshare contracts following a flurry of successful wins on the Canary Island of Gran Canaria and mainland Spain.

  • Flurry of successful timeshare wins seen in Gran Canaria this year
  • Timeshare owners no longer suffering in silence
  • Timeshare-Advice.co.uk sees demand for Timeshare Health Check soar, with appointment numbers up 40% on this time last year

These cases have been won after contracts containing illegal floating weeks or exceeding 50 years’ duration were declared null and void by Spanish jurisdiction. Not only are European timeshare owners finally being freed from corrupt contracts, many have received hefty compensation with some awarded payouts of up to EUR 130,000.

After years of suffering in silence, unhappy timeshare owners have seen the light at the end of the tunnel and are speaking up, taking action and winning.

Belinda Rollins, Legal Support Manager of Timeshare.lawyer, a niche legal division of leading timeshare advice company Timeshare-Advice.co.uk, comments on the recent achievements of timeshare owners,

“The groundbreaking Spanish Supreme Court ruling in April of this year saw judges in every court empowered to rule in the client’s favour with regards to exiting illegal timeshare contracts and awarded monumental compensation, which most clients never dreamt of receiving. Timeshare.lawyer is seeing an upturn in clients contacting us for help and we are able to turnaround a nullification of their contract within approximately 15 weeks.”

In light of these recent wins, it seems more and more UK timeshare owners are seeking advice about their timeshare circumstances. Timeshare-Advice.co.uk has seen a substantial increase in enquires attending a timeshare health check with over half (58%) of the total number seen in all of 2015 in the first half of 2016 alone. The number of brand new enquiries in the first half of this year has also seen an increase of 5% when compared to the same period in 2015.

Marketing Director of Timeshare-Advice.co.uk, Jodi Beard, comments, “It’s great to see such a rise in timeshare owners looking for advice. With so many successful cases this year it’s no wonder we’re seeing record numbers of clients looking to bid farewell to their timeshare commitments.”

“There are a variety of reasons why owners may be looking to sell their timeshares as not all contracts are illegal. Issues such as ongoing costs, lack of flexibility, personal circumstances or family factors can make keeping a timeshare unrealistic and we are proud to be able to support those looking to sell or exit”

With over ten years’ experience, Timeshare-advice.co.uk pride themselves on their services which include timeshare resales, relinquishment, client purchases, trade-ins, disposals, alternative lifestyle and leisure products, as well as the provision of advice on getting the most from existing timeshare ownership. Timeshare-Advice.co.uk were asked for their advice by thousands of owners last year and were able to help sell or cancel over 2,250 timeshare weeks in 2015.

For more information, visit www.Timeshare-Advice.co.uk or call 0800 0124 637.